Jacaranda is now offering a stunning new selection of tribal works at
www.jacarandatribal.com. Congolese and southern African wood carvings form the bulk of the objects on display, including a beautiful Sundi or Teke bust, a fine Mpondo staff finial, and headrests from the Shona and Luba. These are joined by a handsome pair of South Pacific weapons, a remarkable Ethiopian cross, and more.
For full details on these fine objects and many others, please visit
Cross - Ethiopia - ca 1700–1750 |
Headrest - Luba, D.R. Congo - Late 19th or early 20th century |
Beaded snuff gourd - Southeast Africa - Late 19th/early 20th century |
Hand club, patu onewa - Maori, New Zealand - 18th or early 19th century |
Cup - Kuba, D.R. Congo - 19th century |
Lance, katoua - Niue - 19th century |
Pipe - Kuba or Binji, D.R. Congo - Early 20th century |
Bust - Sundi or Teke, D.R. Congo - Late 19th or early 20th century |
Staff finial - Mpondo, South Africa - 1870–1890 |
Headrest - Shona, Zimbabwe - Late 19th or early 20th century |
Horn necklace - Zulu, South Africa - 19th century |
Bag handle - Eskimo, North America - Late 19th century |
Images ©James Worrell 2015